Archery Elk & Deer Hunt

Please use the checklist below to ensure you bring all required gear.

Please ensure all clothes you bring with you are quiet.

The checklist will remember your list, as long as you do not clear your browser cookies.

Note:When packing into the back-country, we prefer hunters pack their clothes and personal gear into one medium size duffle bag that is approximately 15" x 16" x 30". We use waterproof bags and you are welcome to borrow one of ours.

There is Verizon and AT&T cell service on the ranch. There is no cell coverage in the back-country. Your guide will carry a satellite phone in case of an emergency.

Current Weather Conditions

[live-weather-station-lcd device_id='xx:00:00:00:00:01' module_id='wm:00:00:00:00:01' measure_type='aggregated' design='green-darkgreen' size='medium' speed='2000']

Precipitation is generally in the form of rain, but snow is possible. Normal morning temps are 20-40 degrees and daytime temps are 50-70 degrees. Some days may not warm to more than 40 degrees as storm fronts pass.

To get this checklist on your mobile phone, scan the QR code below.